Healing the Mind Through Design Awareness.
Design for Nothing is an approach that takes practice but basically invites you to create a mental space free from the constraints of ego and societal conditioning. This space, designed for nothingness, becomes a sanctuary where oneness, loving awareness and peace can enter. From this pure space of understanding of your true nature, healing can occur.
What is the world?
Our world is often mistaken for reality. In Eastern philosophy and some scientific circles, particularly those focused on quantum field theory and consciousness studies, the world is considered somewhat of an illusion. In Advaita Vedanta, the illusory nature of the world is called Maya. David Bohm, a theoretical physicist and Nobel laureate, proposed that at a deeper level of reality, everything is interconnected. In the world, “there are no subjects. All the universe essentially is at bottom is conscious experiences arising.” If the world is but an illusion, then a shift of perception on our part, towards oneself and others, is more than a fascinating experience. Think about it as it could be the difference between sleepwalking for the rest of your life, or awakening to the timeless, formless presence of your true nature, where separation dissolves and only unity remains.
A shift of perception
From my personal experience, every time I choose to look beyond the world of separation as an error of perception and embrace ultimate oneness of the self with all people and things, profound changes occur. With a trained mind, when you stay confidently in this state of awareness, the sense of being a separate self evaporates. In the same way that you can’t be awake and asleep at the same time, it is as if both states can’t be experienced at the same time. In this process of healing, one must recognize the essential recognition that if your true self, when awake, is unified, the separate bodies are but images of a projected experience.
Make mind space, the One Mind will follow
Design for Nothing is a conscious decision. It is the will to awaken from the dream of separation and reconnect with our true unified nature. This process reopens the valves of your true creative flow, which is not about making and forming in the physical world, but extending the One Mind through us. By intentionally designing a mental space that is boundless and filled with light, you allow your true nature to come to the forefront.
When you practice this, observe the world around you without judgment. Feel the world unifying. Feel the unity with the people you see, and recognize the shared essence of humanity. A childlike innocence taking over. The part of you with problems in a world full of issues, threats, and irritations will dissolve. The constructed world of dualities—victims and perpetrators, comparisons and competition, jealousy and neediness—fades away in the light of your true self.
By choosing this perspective, you embrace a profound transformation where true creativity and unity thrive, transcending the limitations of the ego-driven existence. This intentional approach, Design for Nothing, ultimately leads to a more harmonious and enlightened way of living, grounded in the understanding that we are all part of an interconnected whole.
Healing Meditation
If or when common human issues and grievances surface, encompassing physical, emotional, social, and existential dimensions, you say:
"In the vast mind-space I designed for nothingness, my true unified being has revealed itself. It has always been here; I have always been just that: it is my intrinsic nature. From this happy place, my sanctuary, I picture light surrounding me, filling me up. I allow my One Mind to help me look beyond the error I made to believe for one instant that I could be separated from myself. I made a simple mistake, and there is no reality to an illusion.
I call upon my infinite common sense, my true nature, to help me forgive myself for I have used this illusion of ___ (enter the type of issue, challenge, or grievance) to take over my true sense of self in a dream for which I am responsible. I choose otherwise today and remind myself of the nature I am truly made of, that is unchangeable, un-suffering, unseparated from itself. As I rejoice in the space I designed, where the truth is truth and nothing else is true, I decide that nothing can truly hurt me, make me sick, provoke me, or make me sad. An illusion is just that, and I know that nothing can change me. I am that self-sustaining nature of consciousness itself. No matter how long this experience of pain seems to last, my mind will eventually help me realize it was never there.
In the mind-space I designed for nothing, I see myself truly, and that makes me fearless, peaceful, and unimpressionable. I will stay in that self-designed mind-space and I won’t judge the feelings I experience through the senses, the emotions and the reactions I might have or others will have. Nothing is more clear to me: deep down I am fundamentally unchangeable. Let’s not keep using this suffering to make separation look real. Not everyone is awake from the dream of the ego, yet everyone is made of that same true nature, and I can see through their fear, their opinions, their frenetic actions as a call for love. There, in the mind-space I have made to welcome back my true nature, I return to peace, I become compassion again, I need defense no more, and I am unity itself."